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Research impact by design: Planning and reporting your research impact in ‘8Cs’
Introduction to course and the trainer (5:55)
Session 1: What is research impact and why does it matter?
Session 1: What is research impact and why does it matter? (9:32)
Session 2: Playing fantasy research impact
Session 2: Playing fantasy research impact (10:49)
Session 3: Contexts
Session 3: Contexts (9:26)
Session 4: Communities
Session 4: Communities (4:34)
Session 5: Constituencies
Session 5: Constituencies (7:50)
Session 6: Channels
Session 6: Channels (4:54)
Session 7: Challenge: What is the (research) question
Session 7: Challenge: What is the (research) question (6:22)
Session 8: Communications
Session 8: Communications (8:35)
Session 9: Capturing your research impact
Session 9: Capturing your research impact (2:25)
Session 10: How to write effective case studies
Session 10: How to write effective case studies (10:07)
Closing remarks and evalution
Closing remarks and evaluation (1:41)
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Session 5: Constituencies
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